Thanksgiving 2020 may be different with regards to how we spend time with family, but what won’t change is the number of delicious meals coming from Downtown Joe’s and the other fantastic downtown Napa restaurants! We have some quick suggestions on how to enjoy Turkey Day but first let us say that the best restaurants in Napa, CA will still be cooking despite the crazy year we’ve had. We provide a quality meal so that you can enjoy a socially distanced evening with family and close friends. Downtown Joe’s has a delicious special going on November 26th where we cook the whole dinner for you: turkey and gravy along with green beans, stuffing, cranberry sauce, yams, and pumpkin pie all for $25 per adult (and only $15 for kids!). We are open and ready for to-go orders or limited dine-in and are looking forward to providing you with a stress-free meal from one of the best restaurants in Napa, CA so that you can fully enjoy the holiday.

Napa restaurants are sure to be busy, but if you prefer to celebrate at home, an excellent way to keep social distancing is to entertain outside in the backyard during the afternoon. Thank goodness we live in Napa Valley where we often can entertain outdoors late into the year. A Skype or video call with family during dinner is also a great way to keep in touch even if being physically close together is not a reality. The best restaurants in Napa, CA are typically the place to be for the holidays, but being with family in any capacity will bring comfort during this tumultuous year. Playing an online video game via your phone or computer may be a great after-dinner activity to keep everyone engaged. Be sure to have each other on a video call while you are playing so you can chat during the game.

Even though winter is almost here, Napa restaurants like Downtown Joe’s are going to continue bringing out delectable favorites for both locals and visitors alike. So don’t forget when you feel like having a relaxing Thanksgiving meal and not a giant mess in the kitchen this year, the best restaurants in Napa, CA have got you covered. Simply place your to-go order and Downtown Joe’s-one of the best Napa restaurants- will take care of the rest!

happy hour offer